Named for feeling of healing experienced by visitors to these Colonial Flag Foundation flag displays, Healing Field® events focused initially on remembering the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001. In following years, the displays have expanded to include tributes for those impacted by other tragedies. Victims of child abuse, domestic abuse, drunken driving and the traumas of war can be remembered by posting flags in their honor. Feeling of healing accompany these Healing Field® events.
Healing Field® flag displays are tailor made to include programs and ceremonies. Local groups are willing and anxious to take part. Playing of taps even daily can add to the solemnity of the event.
9/11 Memorials.
When a full complement of three thousand flags stand in solemn formations, they can be divided into three grouping to symbolize those
killed in the twin towers, the Pentagon and the field in Pennsylvania. Victims that died in the three aircraft can also be grouped together. Name tags attached to the flagstaffs can include photos and short biographies.
Armed Forces victims can be identified by combat boots placed at the base of the flagstaffs or by metal dog tags.
Victim Children can be identified by small stuffed teddy bears attached to the flagstaff with the tags.
Foreign national victims can be identified by small national flags printed on the tags or by a separate row of national flags showing that victims from many countries died in the attack.
Specially designed Paw flags can honor dogs that located victims trapped in collapsed buildings and recovering the dead.
Memorial Day Displays.
Memorial Day’s roots paying tribute to the casualties of the U.S. Civil War. It has grown over the years to include casualties and veterans of American wars and is a perfect time for a Healing Field® display.
Emphasis can be given to casualties and veterans of specific conflicts:
World War I centennial observances gave opportunities for commemorations.
Poppies, very popular internationally, can be added to Memorial Day events.
World War II living veterans comprise a group growing smaller and will soon be gone.
Korean War began in 1950 and the 70th Anniversary will be observed in 2020 with other observances continue through 2023, the 70th Anniversary of the War’s end.
Vietnam War veterans received a poor welcome upon returning from the battlefields of Southeast Asia. Some Healing Field® events focus on a belated welcome for them.
War on Terrorism continues and has brought new challenges as veterans serve multiple tours and experience wounds of spirit that are not easily cured.
The growing tragedy of veteran suicides add new casualties to our lists of war dead that call for recognition and charitable efforts.
Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Paramedics and other civic heroes can be honored by Healing Field® flag displays.
Combined Color Guards can include Fire Fighters and Police Officers with uniformed military color team members.
While armed forces color team members may march under arms, fire fighter may carry fire axes and police officers carry weapons associated with their service.
Some police and fire department have their own flags that may be carried and displayed at Healing Field® ceremonies and events.
Child Abuse Memorials.
Victims of child abuse can be represented by U.S. flags or by Blue Ribbon flags that are available through Colonial Flag Foundation.
Victims of child sex trafficking is an area of child abuse that is receiving increased attention.
Domestic Abuse Memorials.
Flag displays can be located next to shelter facilities to highlight the support given.
While it does not fit exactly into the domestic abuse adult sex trafficking has grown into slavery that is receiving increased warranted attention that can be a focus of Healing Field® Memorials.
Drunk Driving Victim Memorials.
The magnitude of drunk driving’s impact becomes visually apparent through Healing Field displays that draw media and public attention to this critical issue.
Daily reporting on drunk driving accidents inoculates public awareness, and periodic reporting numbers fails to increase that awareness. However, a field of flags remembers individuals that the public may forget with time and spotlights the extent of needless road fatalities.
Use of Colonial Flag Foundation's protected property for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without express written permission is not authorized. Fields of Flags by any name for fundraising purposes are patent protected. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, alteration or other use, including without limitation any trademark, image, drawing, text, likeness or photograph may constitute a violation of the laws of copyright and trademark and may be prosecuted under criminal and/or civil law.
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