The massive display of 1,000 U.S. flags at Freeman Park adds new splendor to Idaho Falls spectacular vista overlooking the Snake River. The Idaho Falls Exchange Club is bringing back the cherished Field of Honor® display to the metropolitan area once again on May 24-26, 2025.
Posted flags honor serving military, veterans, first responders, child abuse prevention, fallen servicemen and women, and those who have become our heroes. Additionally, the display will raise awareness and raise funds for the Idaho Falls Exchange Club.
Volunteers and visitors will again experience this stirring display of red, white and blue that is difficult to describe but not to be forgotten. The visual impact inspires visitors that the mature may honor & remember, and the youth may learn.
The Idaho Falls display is a gift to the community made possible through donations, sponsorships and the efforts of many dedicated volunteers. You can show your support and gratitude by sponsoring a flag or making a donation.
This event is free to the public and should not be missed!