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Naperville, IL ~ Healing Field© 2025

November 7November 12

East Williston & Sagamore Avenues ,

From November 7th to 12th, 2025, an awe-inspiring panorama of United States flags will fly in a solemn formation at Rotary Hill. This stirring display will bring the community together in a patriotic tribute to honor our heroes. Each flag represents an individual and tells a unique story. Flags can be sponsored to honor specific individuals, making this event a meaningful opportunity for everyone to remember and celebrate our many heroes.

The Stars and Stripes remind us of our identity as a people. Americans face historical challenges and overcome hardships, emerging stronger each time. This resilience is a fundamental aspect of who we are. The United States flag symbolizes our unity and commitment to creating a brighter future for all.

This moving display is a gift to the community, made possible through donations, sponsorships, and the efforts of many dedicated volunteers. You can support this meaningful initiative by sponsoring a flag or making a donation.

While it’s difficult to put into words, this experience is one that will leave a lasting impression. We invite everyone to visit the Healing Field® patriotic display in Naperville, IL, and to walk among the displayed flags. Proceeds from this event will benefit Operation Support Our Troops-America.

The display is open to all at no charge. Don’t miss this extraordinary event!


Bronze Event Sponsor

 Event recognition, social media shout out, and 5 flags.


Silver Event Sponsor

Bronze level  + signage at the event, logo on promotional materials, and 10 flags



Gold Event Sponsor

 Silver level package + recognition by event speakers from the podium, prominent logo placement, recognition on the organization’s website, and 15 flags.

Field Gallery

In The News

In The News



Benefiting Charities:
Operation Support Our Troops-America

Hosted By:
Operation Support Our Troops-America

Local Organizing Committee:
Project Chair: Linda Tuisl
Co-Project Chair: Brad Wilson
Public Relations Chair: Lisa Murtaugh
Sponsorships Chair: Traci Slater
Volunteer Chair:Dawn Porter
Field Coordinator Chair: Tiffani Picco

Operation Support Our Troops America - Healing Field of Honor - LaGrange, Illinois - Photo Taken: September 3, 2023


November 7
November 12
Event Categories:


Private: East Williston Village Green
East Williston & Sagamore Avenues DuPage County 11596 United States + Google Map